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  1:初创期中小企业创新基金 答案满意后再给100-200不等。

5. 年营业收入不超过3000万元;
6. 申报的项目尚未形成销售;


科技型中小企业技术创新基金作为中央政府的专项基金,按照市场经济的客观规律进行运作,扶持各种所有制类型的科技型中小企业,同时吸引地方政府、企业、风险投资机构和金融机构对科技型中小企业进行投资,逐步推动建立起符合市场经济规律的高新技术产业化投资机制,从而进一步优化科技投资资源,营造有利于科技型中小企业创新和发展的良好环境。 [1]


  The nation class lighted torch plan item management way(try line)
【Chapter 1 total 】
A lighted torch plan is through State Department approval, Gao Xin carry out by science and technology department organization technique industry development plan.Its aim is to promote Gao Xin the commercialize of technique result, industry turn with internationalization.The lighted torch plan item is a lighted torch plan of the importance constitute part.For further the organization pushed to get angry torch plan item implement, full exertive lighted torch plan in the development the our country Gao Xin the technique industry of leading, demonstration function, basis nation relevant policy provision, establishment origin way.
Two lighted torch plan the item is divided into nation class and place(province, autonomous region, direct jurisdiction city, plan list row City) class be 2 kinds and practice nation and two classes in the place sign an item and management.Everyplace of nation class lighted torch plan item judge the power belong to the region province, autonomous region, direct jurisdiction city, plan list science and technology administration management Dept. JI in the row City(as follows brief name province, city science and technology administration management section.
Three nation class lighted torch plan item management persistence outstanding point, enhance innovation, classification instruction, strengthen service of principle;The persistence take market as a direction, the business enterprise lead for the corpus into competition mechanism, practice dynamic state management;The persistence is proper because of ground system, assurance item quality, exertive demonstration leading function.Encouragement also have the initiative support Gao Xin technique industry development area, lighted torch plan industry base, lighted torch plan point Gao Xins technique business enterprise, science and technology type in small business enterprise application and implement nation class lighted torch plan item. Encouragement research hospital, Gao Deng3s college combine with business enterprise and together undertake nation class lighted torch plan item.
【Chapter 2 declare 】
Four nation class lighted torch plan item is divided into general item and point item.Nation class lighted torch plan item.Take domestic and international market as a direction;With nation, science and technology in the place and profession offend a pass plan, Gao technique research plan(863 plan) result and other research result for rely on, with development Gao Xins technique product, formation industry for target, choose excellent judge and decide and organization implement of high technology the industry turn item.
Choose from the nation class the lighted torch the plan the item excellent affirm point item.The point item should have an our country independence intelligent property right, the technique level be in the lead in the domestic go together the industry, the market foreground of the item product good, the industry be large-scale;There are stronger ability and bigger market of the market competition overlaying noodles is a nation point development of Gao Xin technique industry.The point item should have demonstration to arouse a function in go together the industry and have pillar function in the place the economy.
5 declare outlet and request:
1, the nation class lighted torch plan the item declare work, from each province, city science and technology administration management the section be responsible for;Department Wei(bureau, head office) in State Department keep belong to the unit can declare through a Wei(bureau, head office) science and technology department(or related section, bottom together), but the item undertake unit and should will declare a book first to copy report place province, city science and technology administration management the section stamp to keep on record.Department Wei(bureau, head office) science and technology department can declare nation class lighted torch plan item.
2, declare nation class lighted torch a plan item, the item undertake unit beard to hand over of declare material:
The plan item of class lighted torch in the ① nation declare a book;(enclosure 1)
Class lighted torch in the ② nation planthe research paper of the item possibility;
The ③ calculator soft dish.
Declare a point nation class lighted torch a plan item, the beard hand over of declare material:
The lighted torch plan of the ① point nation class item declare a book;(enclosure 2)
② Point nation class lighted torch plan the item sign an item an application report;
The ① calculator soft dish.
The report send each province, city science and technology administration management section or department Wei(bureau, head office) science and technology department to carry on judge.
【Chapter 3 judge with affirm to sign an item 】
Six each province of, city science and technology administration management section and department Wei(bureau, head office) science and technology department according to 《nation class lighted torch plan the item sign a condition and judge standard(enclosure 5) 》, organization the expert carry on judge towards declaring item.Choose an excellent row preface to the item which match a condition, by rule time, will declare material, expert judge set comprehensive opinion and item gather form(enclosure 3, enclosure 4) and item to gather soft dish etc. report to send science and technology department lighted torch center application to affirm.
Seven science and technology department lighted torch center appoint experts teams, such as technique, economy and management...etc.nation class lighted torch plan item the expert affirm committee, to application the item carry on reviewing to affirm.On this foundation, science and technology department lighted torch center according to outstanding point, assurance level, push innovation, exaltation performance of principle, put forward that year nation class lighted torch plan sign of item item suggestion;Through science and technology department development plan department comprehensive balance combine report science and technology department leadership approval after, from science and technology subordinate reach that year nation class lighted torch item plan, and copy to send nation relevant finance section.
8 to the item, class lighted torch in the point nation of the nation class lighted torch plan which affirm to sign an item plan item, the science and technology department lighted torch center distribute an item certificate.
【Chapter 4 funds 】
Nine lighted torch plan item implement demand many the outlet, multiformity type raise a funds.Among them with unit self-raised, bank loan and investment organization of investment is lord.
Ten need an application loan of nation class lighted torch plan item, the item undertake unit at receive to sign an item notice after, beard report send 《science and technology development loan item application form 》and relevant material, from science and technology department to nation relevant bank recommend.Province, city science and technology administration management the section want to be in conjunction with an eyes to undertake unit, according to bank request work well a loan valuation and implementation work.
11 nation class which match a small innovation fund of the business enterprise technique in science and technology type to sign an item a condition lighted torch plan the item can have the initiative to get a fund of support.Section in each province, city science and technology administration management should have the initiative nation class lighted torch plan the item bring into the region the government support Gao Xin technique industry development of fund plan with acquire subsidy and stick an interest etc. funds support.Each province, city science and technology administration management section should basis the region condition, establishment investment guarantee organization, point support nation class lighted torch plan item, assurance it smooth implement.
【Chapter 5 follow a management and service 】
12 nation class lighted torch plan the item unify to bring into province, city science and technology administration management section of management outlet, it usually sex follow management work main from province, city science and technology administration management the section be responsible for.
13 nation class lighted torch plan the item after affirm sign an item undertake unit to want strict according to lighted torch plan item management of relevant provision, earnest organization implement.Each province, city administration management the section want help item to undertake unit and the region department concerned, bank, implementation funds with relevant support a policy, help solve item implement process in of relevant problem. Any item that cant be normal performance in two years after signing an item, cancel it nation class lighted torch plan item of qualifications.
14 science and technology department lighted torch center with variety form to nation class lighted torch plan item especially point item, aggressive provide service, in the market, information, funds, management etc. give support.
【Chapter 6 acceptance 】
15 class lighted torch in the nation plan item implement reach postnatal period, all want press relevant provision carry on acceptance.The acceptance of the general item work from province, city science and technology administration management the section be responsible for.
To the acceptance qualified item, province, city science and technology administration management the section sign acceptance empress the opinion the lighted torch center of the report section skill department keep on record.Science and technology department lighted torch center is responsible for the acceptance work of point item. Rightness overall attain item to declare a book in each item index sign request, the year sales income be more than 50,000,000 dollars nation class lighted torch plan item, through province, city science and technology administration management section application, can also the center organization of the farmland science and technology department lighted torch acceptance.
16 through province, city science and technology administration management section reviewing approval acceptance of item, science and technology department lighted torch center according to 《nation class lighted torch plan item acceptance examination and approval form (enclosure 6)》, distribute item acceptance qualified certificate.
17 acceptance are unqualified or break off of nation class lighted torch plan item, from province, city science and technology administration management the section give knot or do to withdraw an item processing, and report science and technology department lighted torch the center keep on record.
【Chapter 7 statistics 】
18 item statistics work is nation class lighted torch plan item management work of an importance constitute part.Nation class lighted torch plan the item statistics work, from province, city science and technology line government management the section be responsible for.Each province, city science and technology administration management section should in the provision time, last a year 《nation class plan item performance circumstance investigate form(lighted torch plan) 》report send science and technology department lighted torch center.
19 any nation class lighted torch plan which affirm to sign an item item all want to carry on statistics. Acceptance qualified item, from pass acceptance year since again statistics three year.The item of the knot or repeal eyes, from examination and approval organization assurance knot or the day of repeal since no longer statistics.
【Chapter 8 reward 】
20 to excellent lighted torch plan item with obtain excellent result in the implement the lighted torch the plan the item work of collective with personal, press 《nation science technique committee lighted torch reward way(try line) 》provision of the condition give to give award to with reward.Section in each province, city science and technology administration management should according to the native circumstance, establishment correspond reward way.
【Chapter 9 bylaws 】
21 origin way from announce of implement from day.Original nation section Wei 1994 announce of 《nation class lighted torch plan item management way 》abolish in the meantime.
22 origin way of explanation power and modification power belong to science and technology department.
Data source:The development center of Ministry of Education science and technology
【第一章 总则】
第一条 火炬计划是经国务院批准,由科技部组织实施的高新 技术产业发展计划。其宗旨是促进高新技术成果的商品化、产业化 和国际化。火炬计划项目是火炬计划的重要组成部分。为进一步推 动火炬计划项目的组织实施,充分发挥火炬计划在发展我国高新技术产业中的引导、示范作用,根据国家有关政策规定,制定本办法。
第二条 火炬计划项目分为国家级和地方(省、自治区、直辖 市、计划单列市)级两种,实行国家和地方两级立项和管理。各地的国家级火炬计划项目评审权属当地省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市科技行政管理部JI(以下简称省、市科技行政管理部门。
第三条 国家级火炬计划项目管理坚持突出重点、强化创新、分类指导、加强服务的原则;坚持以市场为导向,企业为主体,引入竞争机制,实行动态管理;坚持因地制宜,保证项目质量,发挥示范引导作用。鼓励并优先支持高新技术产业开发区、火炬计划产业基地、火炬计划重点高新技术企业、科技型中小企业申请和实施国家级火炬 计划项目。 鼓励科研院所、高等院校同企业结合,共同承担国家级火炬计划项目。
【第二章 申报】
第四条 国家级火炬计划项目分为一般项目和重点项目。国家级火炬计划项目。是以国内外市场为导向;以国家、地方和行业的科技攻关计划、高技术研究计划(863计划)成果以及其它科研成果为依托,以发展高新技术产品、形成产业为目标,择优评选并组织实施的高科技产业化项目。
从国家级火炬计划项目中择优认定重点项目。重点项目应具有我国自主知识产权,技术水平在国内同行业中居领先地位,项目产品市场前景好,产业规模大;有较强的市场竞争能力和较大的市场覆盖面,是国家重点发展的高新技术产业。重点项目应在同行业中 有示范带动作用,在地方经济中起支柱作用。
第五条 申报渠道与要求:
②重点国家级火炬计划 项目立项申请报告;
【第三章 评审与认定立项】
第六条 各省、市科技行政管理部门及部委(局、总公司)科技司按照《国家级火炬计划项目立项条件与评审标准(附件5)》, 组织专家对申报项目进行评审。对符合条件的项目择优排序,按规定时间,将申报材料、专家评审组综合意见和项目汇总表(附件3、附件4)及项目汇总软盘等报送科技部火炬中心申请认定。
第七条 科技部火炬中心聘请技术、经济和管理等方面专家组 成国家级火炬计划项目专家认定委员会,对申请项目进行审查认定。在此基础上,科技部火炬中心按照突出重点、保证水平、推动创新、提高效益的原则,提出当年国家级火炬计划项目的立项建议;经科技部发展计划司综合平衡并报科技部领导批准后,由科技部下达当年国家级火炬项目计划,并抄送国家有关金融部门。
【第四章 资金】
第九条 火炬计划项目实施需要多渠道、多形式筹集资金。其中以单位自筹、银行贷款和投资机构的投资为主。
第十条 需申请贷款的国家级火炬计划项目,项目承担单位在接到立项通知后,须报送《科技开发贷款项目申请表》及有关材料,由科技部向国家有关银行推荐。省、市科技行政管理部门要协同项 目承担单位,按照银行要求做好贷款评估和落实工作。
第十一条 符合科技型中小企业技术创新基金立项条件的国家级火炬计划项目可优先得到基金的支持。各省、市科技行政管理部门应优先将国家级火炬计划项目纳入当地政府扶持高新技术产业发展的基金计划,以获得补助、贴息等资金支持。各省、市科技行政管理部门应根据当地条件,建立投资担保机构,重点支持国家级火炬计划项目,保证其顺利实施。
【第五章 跟踪管理与服务】
第十二条 国家级火炬计划项目统一纳入省、市科技行政管理部门的管理渠道,其经常性跟踪管理工作主要由省、市科技行政管理部门负责。
第十三条 国家级火炬计划项目认定立项后,承担单位要严格按照火炬计划项目管理的有关规定,认真组织实施。各省、市行政管理部门要协助项目承担单位和当地有关部门、银行,落实资金和有关扶持政策,协助解决项目实施过程中的有关问题。 凡立项后,两年内不能正常执行的项目,将取消其国家级火炬计划项目的资格。
第十四条 科技部火炬中心以多种形式对国家级火炬计划项目特别是重点项目,积极提供服务,在市场、信息、资金、管理等方面给予支持。
【第六章 验收】
第十五条 国家级火炬计划项目实施达产后,都要按有关规定进行验收。一般项目的验收工作由省、市科技行政管理部门负责。
对验收合格的项目,省、市科技行政管理部门签署验收意见后报科 技部火炬中心备案。重点项目的验收工作由科技部火炬中心负责。 对全面达到项目申报书中各项指标要求,年销售收入超过5000万元的国家级火炬计划项目,经省、市科技行政管理部门申请,也可田科技部火炬中心组织验收。
第十六条 经省、市科技行政管理部门审查同意验收的项目,科技部火炬中心根据《国家级火炬计划项目验收审批表》(附件6), 颁发项目验收合格证书。
第十七条 验收不合格或中断的国家级火炬计划项目,由省、市科技行政管理部门予以结题或做撤项处理,并报科技部火炬中心备案。
【第七章 统计】
第十八条 项目统计工作是国家级火炬计划项目管理工作的一个重要组成部分。国家级火炬计划项目统计工作,由省、市科技行 政管理部门负责。各省、市科技行政管理部门应在规定时间内,将上一年度《国家级计划项目执行情况调查表(火炬计划)》报送科技部火炬中心。
第十九条 凡认定立项的国家级火炬计划项目都要进行统计。 验收合格的项目,自通过验收年度起再统计三年。结题或撤消的项 目,自审批机关确定结题或撤消之日起不再统计。
【第八章 奖励】
第二十条 对优秀火炬计划项目和在实施火炬计划项目工作中取得优异成绩的集体和个人,按《国家科学技术委员会火炬奖励办法(试行)》规定的条件给予表彰和奖励。各省、市科技行政管理 部门应根据本地情况,制定相应奖励办法。
【第九章 附则】
第二十一条 本办法自公布之日起施行。原国家科委一九九四年公布的《国家级火炬计划项目管理办法》同时废止。
第二十二条 本办法的解释权和修改权属科技部。


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