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更新时间:2022-05-08 22:11:09



  Q:The revamped electoral system emphasizes the principle of patriots administering Hong Kong. What is your interpretation of this principle? Who are the patriots?


  A:Patriotism is the law for any democracy. For example, if you look at American democracy or British democracy, or German democracy, all those western democracies or countries, they will not allow a foreign passport holder to join the election, to run for the President or to run for the Prime Minister.


  First of all, I would say must be a Hong Kong resident. It is very important that you dont hold a foreign passport.


  Secondly, you must have rich experience in governing Hong Kong. That means you must be an experienced person in the administration of Hong Kong.


  The third point, I would say that person must be a capable, a very abled person in doing this. Now, a lot of people now become very talkative. In political science, we call them demagogy. People can provoke people’s emotions, and stir up people’s emotions in their own favor. That is called rhetoric patriots. But we must find a capable person in administrating Hong Kong. Thats very important.



  Q:In your previous interview, you said the key to patriots administering Hong Kong is to improve the well-being of the people, especially regarding the housing problem. This is also a focus point listed in Lee Ka-chius election manifesto. In what ways do you think Lee Ka-chiu can improve the well-being of citizens?


  A:First of all, my judgment is Hong Kongs problem is nearly economic problems, not political problems. Economic affairs now really are related to peoples well-being, particularly housing issues.


  The solution is to develop Hong Kong’s economy. By developing the economy, the Hong Kong administration can solve the housing problem.


  Now Lee Ka-chiu has a very ambitious housing project and housing plan, I think that he should do that, and very important. But now with political stability, I really hope Lee Ka-chiu can really achieve that goal. If he can achieve that goal, that will lay a very solid foundation for Hong Kong’s social stability.


  Once Hong Kong society is stable, then the Hong Kong economy will take off again.


  If in 5 years, people look back to todays election, I hope that people will see Lee Ka-chiu as the turning point in Hong Kong politics. He should be ambitious, and he should take action.



