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  东莞银行股份有限公司东莞分行的经营范围是:吸收公众存款;发放短期、中期和长期贷款;办理国内结算;办理票据贴现;代理发行、兑付、承销政府zj;买卖政府zj;同业拆借;发行金融zj;提供担保;代理收付款项;提供保管箱业务;办理地方财政信用周转使用资金的委托存贷款业务;外汇存款;外汇贷款;外汇汇款;外币兑换;国际结算;同业外汇拆借;外汇票据的承兑和贴现;外汇担保;结汇、售汇;代客外汇买卖;代理国外信用卡付款;代理保险业务,证券投资基金代销业务;自营外汇买卖业务;经中国银行业监督管理机构批准的其他业务。在广东省,相近经营范围的公司总注册资本为2098287万元,主要资本集中在 5000万以上 规模的企业中,共110家。本省范围内,当前企业的注册资本属于一般。








  东莞银行股份有限公司的经营范围是:吸收公众存款;发放短期、中期和长期贷款;办理国内结算;办理票据贴现;代理发行、兑付、承销政府zj;买卖政府zj;同业拆借;发行金融zj;提供担保;代理收付款项;提供保管箱业务;办理地方财政信用周转使用资金的委托存贷款业务;外汇存款;外汇贷款;外汇汇款;外币兑换;国际结算;同业外汇拆借;外汇票据的承兑和贴现;外汇担保;结汇、售汇;代客外汇买卖;代理国外信用卡付款;代理保险业务(由分支机构凭许可证经营);证券投资基金代销业务;自营外汇买卖业务;经中国银行业监督管理机构批准的其他业务。(依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。在广东省,相近经营范围的公司总注册资本为2098287万元,主要资本集中在 5000万以上 规模的企业中,共110家。本省范围内,当前企业的注册资本属于一般。






  东莞银行股份有限公司长安支行的经营范围是:吸收公众存款;发放短期、中期和长期贷款;办理国内结算;办理票据贴现;代理发行、兑付、承销政府zj;买卖政府zj;同业拆借;发行金融zj;提供担保;代理收付款项;提供保管箱业务;办理地方财政信用周转使用资金的委托存贷款业务;外汇存款;外汇贷款;外汇汇款;外币兑换;国际结算;同业外汇拆借;外汇票据的承兑和贴现;外汇担保;结汇、售汇;代客外汇买卖;代理国外信用卡付款;代理保险业务;经银行业监督管理机构批准的其他业务。 (依法须经批准的项目,经相关部门批准后方可开展经营活动)。在广东省,相近经营范围的公司总注册资本为2098287万元,主要资本集中在 5000万以上 规模的企业中,共110家。本省范围内,当前企业的注册资本属于一般。








Teresa Teng, born in Yunlin, Taiwan, on January 29, 1953 had 3 elder brothers and one younger brother. Teresa started her singing life as young as the age of 5. At the early age of 11 (1964), she won the Chinese Radio Station Huangmei Singing Contest by the song Visiting Yingtai. by 14 Years old, she hosted the show Everyday One Star.
In 1969, she played the leading role in the TV series Thank You, Manager. She was also invited to perform at a charity concert in Singapore. In the same year, she sang the theme song for the first Taiwan TV series. In 1970, Teresas first performance in Hong Kong was held. In 1971, she became the youngest person ever to be awarded the title of the Charity ueen of the Bai Hua You Arts Auction for making charity sales. She also signed to Life Records of Taiwan. In 1972, she was filmed in the movie Ms. Music Fan with Mr. Chang Chung. In the same year, she made the Top 10 Singers list in Hong Kong.
Teresa decided to start singing in Japan in 1973, when she signed to Polydor Records of Japan, so she was determined to try her best in studing Japanese. However within a short period of 6 months she was already able to communicate in Japanese with the staff of the company and during meetings. Her first Japanese Album KONYA KASHIRA? ASHITA KASHIRA? (Should it be tonight or tomorrow?) was released on March 1,1974. Her second Japanese album KUUKOO (Airport) was released on July 1, 1974. Through this song KUUKOO she won the Best New Singer award of Japan that year. She also signed to PolyGram Records of Hong Kong and released the album Good Bye, My Love in 1975. The following year, she held her first HK solo concert at Lee Theatre. In 1977, she held her solo concert in Tokyo, Japan and won a television award for her song I live for you.
Teresa held her second solo concert of Hong Kong in 1978. In 1979, she held her first solo concert in the US and Canada. Teresa also studied English in UCLA (University of California at Los Angeles) in California, USA. On the same year, the album Small Town Story was released.
In 1980, Teresa performed in the US at the Lincoln Theatre in New York and became the first Chinese to every perform at the Los Angeles Music Center. She held her third Hong Kong solo concert. In addition, she went to Taiwan to visit the Kinmen Island troops and performed at the Sun Yatsen Memorial in which all funds from tickets went to the Patriotic Fund. Teresa won the Best Female Singer award in Taiwan. In the same year, her first Cantonese album was released. In 1981, Teresa held 7 consecutive solo concerts in Hong Kong, breaking the record for the number of consecutive solo concerts by a single artist. Also, she won the record-breaking number of 5 platinum records in a single year in Hong Kong and also received the Patriotic Artist Award in Taiwan. In 1983, Teresa became the first Chinese to ever perform at Ceasars Palace in Las Vegas, USA. In the same year, she received an award from PolyGram (Hong Kong) for reaching top sales, being the top selling singer ever in the music industry of Hong Kong. She released her second and famous Cantonese album The Steps of the Road of Life, which got the Double Platinum figure after a few days of its release.
Teresa Teng won the Annual Cable TV Award of Japan for 3 consecutive years (1984, 1985, and 1986) by the song TSUGUNAI (Love Compensation) in 1984, AIJIN (Lover) in 1985, and TOKI NO NAGARE NI MI WO MAKASE (Let It Depend On The Flow Of Time) in 1986. No other singer, even to this date, was able to achieve this. The song AIJIN (Lover) also set a new record for staying on top of the broadcast charts in Japan for over 10 weeks. Her song TOKI NO NAGARE NI MI WO MAKASE sold over 5 million copies in the Japan market in 1986.
Unfortunately, she left us on May 8, 1995 due to an asthma attack in Chiang Mai, Thailand at age 42. Her coffin was wred with the Taiwan flag and was carried by military officers and family members. Indeed, during the funeral, Teresa was given many awards for her large contribution to the nation and society.